My  engagement in fiber crafting is informed by Queer theory.  I mine the potential of materials and techniques to disrupt dominant notions of gender and to reclaim and reimagine gender as performative. These materials invoke a campy aesthetic that brings to mind the many Queer fiber artists I find inspirational. I use crafts as political fuel to emancipate myself and my viewers from a heteronormative society and use art exhibitions to challenge binary categorizations of gender and sexuality. With my crafting tools, such as embroidery floss or needles, I intentionally remake and rewrite dominant narratives stitched throughout our culture.

Queering Sexual Violence art response.

Reciprocal Rainbow, 8inch embroidery hoop.

Citizen by Claudia Rankine art response, quilted tapestry.

Chetanya Purge, 8inch embroidery hoop.

Exploding triangles, 8inches embroidery hoop.

Gender-Bender, 8inch embroidery hoop.

Striping Our Rights Away, 8inches embroidery hoop.

Queer Self Care, embroidery, felt, and knitted.

Safer Spaces a quilted safe space banner.

Gay Boy, Gay Boy, What do you see? A handmade storybook about navigating the world as a queer person.

Queer Stitches at Nuit Rose - Festival for Queer Art and Performance.